Sell my insurance commissions
Commission Valuation
The commission valuation process starts with an in depth review of your commission statements. We don't have a "multiple" or "factor" we simply apply to your business. We take the time to thoroughly review and analyze each and every policyholder, coming up with a detailed and specific valuation of your book.​
Based on our review of your commission statements we'll be able to provide you with not only a valuation and offer, but a detailed analysis of your book.
What is required?
12 months of commission statements
Agent contract and compensation schedule
Our commission specialists can help you gather both! Don't have your contract handy? We can still get you an offer and valuation, but will need your agent agreement prior to closing.
What factors go into a valuation?
Product type
Issue Age
Commission schedule
Policy form and benefits
Paid to date and effective date
Marital Status
Want a more in depth review of your book of business? Most carriers provide historical commission statements through their online agent portals. We'll gladly analyze your historical statements and provide you with the tools and information necessary for you to review and understand your book of business.